Dynafit Hardangerjøkulen Ultra 12.7.2025


Dynafit Hardangerjøkulen Ultra 95k er eit løp som vil ta pusten frå deg. Start og målgang er på den flotte plassen Liseth Pensjonat & Hyttetun ved Vøringsfossen i Eidfjord. Løypa tar deg rundt ein av Noregs vakraste isbreer, Hardangerjøkulen. Løypa går i fjellterreng og følger Den Norske Turistforeningen sitt rutenett, nokon enkle og nokon veldig teknisk krevande. Det kan også vera snødekke i deler av løypa.

For deg som synes 95km er litt i drøyaste laget vil me tilby ei kortare løype som følger deler av den same løypa som 95k. Løypa er 34km og er variert og til tider krevande og du spring i fjellterreng heile tida.

Liseth Pensjonat & Hyttetun er vår base heile helga og her kan du booke overnatting, kjøpe deg middag og kose deg ved bålpanna medan du kan følge med på løparane på storskjerm heile dagen og natta.

Her finn du en detaljert løypebeskrivelse for 95km ruten.

ENGLISH Save the date: 12 of july 2025.

Dynafit Hardangerjøkulen Ultra 95k is a race that will take your breath away! Yes, literally speaking it will. Start and finish are both situated at the Liseth Pensjonat & Hyttetun, a nice place near the Vøringsfossen in Eidfjord.

The trail takes you around one of Norway’s most beautiful glaciers, the Hardangerjøkulen. The trail goes through mountainous terrain and follows the Norwegian Tourist Association’s trails, some easy and some very technically demanding. There may also be snow cover in parts of the track.

For those of you who think 95k is a bit too long, you can go for a shorter 34k route that follows parts of the same route as the 95k. The trail is at times quite demanding while running in mountainous terrain the whole time.

Liseth Pensjonat & Hyttetun is our base all weekend and here you can book accommodation, buy dinner, and get cosy around the bonfire while you follow the remaining runners on the big screen all day and night.

Here you can find a detailed description of the 95K route.

We also kindly ask you to thoroughly read the race manual, as this will give you guidelines to different aspects of the race, including rules, information concerning pre-race meeting and mandatory equipment list.

Here you find the «race manual 34k« and the «race manual 95k«.

You should also take a close look at the MAP page, where you will find all things related to maps and downloadable gpx-tracks.

Last year we had to cancel the race due to bad weather, so this year we have prepared a very nice 100k and 35k alternative, a bit longer but far more secure to handle in case of bad weather. You can read all about this at the MAP page.

You are also probably wondering: «What about some stats for this race?». Well, here is the results for the 2021 edition: 95k results / 34k results.

Both distances have limited capacity, so in order to secure your spot please consider registering.

In case you have any questions, suggestions or just want to share your experience with us about the Hardangerjøkulen Ultra, please feel free to leave us a message at

Thank you, and we hope to see you in the 2024 edition of Dynafit Hardangerjøkulen Ultra!